Michael A. Sivertsev

UNDERVISNING: Fil.dr i ekonomi (1973). Ekonom i typologi angående anställningsstatistiker, Institute of International Labour Movement, Academy of Sciences 1970–1973. Graduate School, Institute of International Labour Movement. 1959–1965, Undergraduate Student, Moscow Aviation Institute of Economics.

PROFESSIONELL ERFARENHET: 1965–1969, Junior Fellow, Department of Philosophy, Institute of National Economy Plenkhanov. 1973–1976, Fellow, Institute of International Labour Movement, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1976–present, Senior Fellow, Institute of the USA and Canada, Russian Academy of Sciences.

OMRÅDE AV SPECIALISERING: Politisk sociologi med betoning på inter-etniskt och inter-konfessionellt samspel, politisk ledarskapstypologi, historia och kulturteori.

FORSKNINGSPROJEKT: 1990–present, The Problems of Ethnic-Confessional Identity, Institute of USA and Canada, Academy of Sciences. 1985–1990, politiska ledarskapsmodeller, Institute of USA och Kanada. 1980–1985, Historic-Scientific Problems of Humanitarian Knowledge, Institute of USA and Canada. 1976–1980, Mathematical Models of Social Processes, Institute of USA and Canada. 1969–1976, Jämförande analyser av sysselsättningsstatistik, institutet för internationella arbetarrörelsen.

FORSKNINGSPROJEKT I FÄLTET: 1991 och 1992 programmet “The Portrait of the Oriental Village” Daghestan. 1989 Program om livslängd, Abkhazia.

UNDERVISNING, FÖRELÄSNING: 1991–nuet, docent i religionssociologi på ryska statens humanitära universitet, Moskva. 1992–nuet, professor i politik om judiska diasporan i Moskvas judiska universitetet.

PUBLIKATIONER/BÖCKER: Typology of Interdependency of the US and Developing Countries, 1988. The Problems of Employment Statistics Typology, 1975.

NYUTKOMNA ARTIKLAR: “Russian Political Culture and the Prospects of Multi-Party System” in USA: Economics, Politics, Ideology 1993, No. 1. “Political Movements and Parties: Origins and Prospects” in USA: Economics, Politics, Ideology, 1993, No. 2. “Charismatic Leadership: The Problems of Political Leadership”, 1993. “Daghestan Interviews” with co-author E. Rashkowski in Russia and the Moslem World, 1993, No. 1. “The Effect of Traditional Cultural Discourse on the Formation of a Polycentric Image of the Fundamental Science” in Orient in Theories and Hypothesis, 1992. “Islam in Daghestan” in Russia and the Moslem World, 1992, No. 6. “The Fates of Culture in the Religious Philosophy of Paul Tillich” in The Christian, 1991, No. 3–4.

MEDVERKAN I INTERNATIONELLA KONFERENSER: “Xenophobia, Racism, Anti-Semitism”, Moscow, 1993. “Judaic-Christian Dialogue”, Eizenakh, Germany, 1992. “The European Thinking and the European Idea”, Aalborg, Denmark, 1991.

OFFENTLIG TJÄNST: 1990–1993, ordförande, Moskvas partnerskap om andlig dialog; 1995, utnämnd ordförande för nya religioner i Styrelsen för samarbete med religiösa organisationer i ryska presidentens kontor.