Volunteer Ministers of Brescia, Italy Working in the Community to Improve Conditions

Whether at a local fair, in a park or on a busy walking street like this, the Scientology Volunteer Ministers set up their tent in a different neighborhood every weekend.

The bright yellow tent of the Scientology Volunteer Ministers has become a common sight to the people of Brescia. Trained on technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard and contained in the Scientology Handbook, this team of 57 volunteers never let a weekend go by without reaching out to people in the community with seminars, lectures and one-on-one help.

Scientology Volunteer Ministers help people locate what is causing stress in their lives, and provide simple technology to help them improve those things that are causing these situations. Whether relationship problems, difficulties at work or in school or concern over a friend or family member, their motto is "Something CAN be done about it."